For companies to add these 44 points to their scorecard requires a deep knowledge of the codes to discern what is termed as a suitable investment. Furthermore, then there is the task of finding the investment, ongoing monitoring of the investment & the associated administrative task relating to the investment.
Inyosi ESD Funds
- Removes the guess work out of finding suitable Enterprise and Supplier Development opportunities.
- Provides investors with accredited interest free Enterprise and Supplier Development points through their investment for as long as they remain invested.
- Investors invest into an interest free solution, thereby enjoying the highest possible recognition points for their investment.
- Transforms Enterprise and Supplier Development spend from an income statement cost to a balance sheet asset.
- Unlocks growth opportunities for qualifying black-owned businesses through Access to Funding, Access to Markets and Access to Skills.
- Helps to drive economic transformation in South Africa & shape a scalable approach to SMME growth and job creation.